At AWHI, we hear constantly from our members about increasing levels of stress, anxiety, and tiredness in the workplace. With UPLIFT, we are answering a call that has come directly from our community: to bring AWHI into the workplace and help people find greater sense of wellbeing in their working lives.
UPLIFT combines the latest research in positive psychology with the restorative, healing practices of yoga and mindfulness. At the launch event, we will give you a unique opportunity in a relaxed space to learn more about our innovative programme. Over some drinks and nourishing kai, we’ll tell you about our unique approach to workplace wellbeing and give a hands-on demonstration of some of the tools we use in UPLIFT. We’d love to show you how this programme will support your team towards achieving long-term physical, mental. and emotional wellbeing.
Join us at AWHI on Tuesday, 7 March from 5:15 until 6:15pm to celebrate the launch of UPLIFT!
Numbers are limited so register now by contacting Cherie Lacey at cherie@awhiyoga.co.nz. Please be sure to indicate how many people you will be bringing!
See you there!
Dr Cherie Lacey is a wellbeing researcher at Victoria University of Wellington, a yoga and meditation instructor at AWHI Yoga & Wellbeing, and is trained in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Her research into the body-mind connection has been published by Johns Hopkins University Press and Harvard University Press, and has received international awards for its innovative combination of creative, scholarly, and physical practices.