2025 DATES
31 July - 2 November 2025
Pillar 1 (Whenua/Foundations):
Thurs 31st July - Sun 3rd August
Pillar 2 (Tinana/Body):
Thurs 21st August - Sun 24th August
Pillar 3 (Hinengaro/Mind):
Thurs 11th September - Sun 14th September
Pillar 4 (Wairua/Spirit):
Thurs 9th October - Sun 12th October
Pillar 5 (Whānau/Community):
Thurs 30th October - Sun 2nd November
Daily 8am-6pm
at AWHI Yoga & Wellbeing
(Wellington CBD)
Investment: $4499
Early Bird: $3999*
Includes unlimited AWHI membership through duration of training; training manual; graduation celebration and certificate,
plus LIFETIME discounts on AWHI memberships & class passes.
Personalised payment plans and a Scholarship (see below) available!
Let us know how we can make this work for you.
*Early Bird rate must be paid in full by 1 May, 2025
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Overview
AWHI Yoga and Wellbeing’s Yoga Alliance accredited 200hr YTT programme (RYT 200) is a comprehensive and thorough journey into becoming a certified Yoga Teacher. Whether you are taking this journey with a view to teach or as a personal journey towards deepening your own practice and knowledge, it’s up to you!
Our uniquely Aotearoa NZ Teacher Training explores the beautiful marriage between ancient Yoga and Te Ao Māori teachings over five separate modules during our three months together. Our course follows the Māori model of Hauora/WellBeing through the four pillars of Te Whare Tapa Whā - a holistic model of health that is the very same view taken by traditional Yoga. During out time together, we work towards a deeper connection to our self, others and to something way greater, enabling us to connect with our purpose in life and how we may share this in service to the world!
Co-Facilitators: Tom Brotherstone, Kathleen Kuehn & members of the AWHI teaching whānau
Our 200hr teaching training is internationally recognised and accredited by Yoga Alliance under their new Elevated RYS200 Standards.
You can read more about these standards in our Downloadable Information Pack or on the Yoga Alliance website!
AWHI 200 RYT Teacher Training
Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship
At AWHI Yoga, we aim to create a supportive community that celebrates and values diversity and belonging. We are proudly committed to diversifying yoga as a practice through our honouring of Te Ao Māori, and by creating an inclusive studio environment where all voices, bodies and identities are represented, supported and ‘awhi’d’. As part of this commitment, we proudly offer a full diversity and inclusion scholarship for our 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training for Māori, Pasifika, BIPOC and other underrepresented groups within the yoga space.
The recipient of this scholarship will receive 100% tuition funding (or reimbursement of any funds already paid) to our 200hr Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training programme, which includes course training at our Wellington studio, all required textbooks, AWHI manual, unlimited yoga at AWHI for the duration of teacher training AND a lifetime discount on all memberships and class passes at AWHI. The scholarship does not include travel reimbursement, accommodation or other costs of living that might be incurred over training dates.
Applicants must be a Citizen or Permanent Resident of New Zealand to qualify.
Deadline: 1 June, 2025
2025 YTT Facilitators
Tom Brotherstone (he/him) is the co-owner, staff manager and lead facilitator at AWHI Yoga & Wellbeing. He completed 500hr YTT in Rishikesh, India and has been teaching Yin and Vinyasa for a decade. As co-owner of AWHI, his focus is now on building community through both practices, providing a supportive platform for the growth and self-discovery of others. Tom is an expert facilitator, having led numerous yoga and meditation workshops, seminars, teacher trainings and private classes in corporate, one-on-one, and studio environments. His facilitation style is easeful and approachable, with just the right amount of humour.
Kathleen Kuehn (she/her) is a 500-RYT co-owner and Chief Enabling Officer at AWHI Yoga & Wellbeing. A lifelong kaiako, KK has trained and earned certification in vinyasa, yin, yoga nidra and level-one Pilates, and has been leading yoga/meditation classes and yoga teacher training courses since 2019. She also holds a PhD in Media & Communications with nearly two decades teaching at the tertiary level. Kathleen is a passionate, unpretentious and down-to-earth facilitator who places high value on openness, authenticity and holistic understandings of wellness. Her goal is to create safe spaces for self-exploration, self-expression, inquiry and community.
Assisted by members of the AWHI Teaching Whānau
AWHI 200 HOUR YTT Testimonials
Required Texts
We supply the course manual but the required textbooks are not included in your tuition. These books are available for purchase at AWHI studio or online through your preferred provider.
The required texts for 200-hour YTT are:
The Key Muscles of Yoga by Ray Long
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Vivekananda
The Bhagavad Gita (Bhagavad Gita) Swami Vivekananda
We also recommend:
The Key Poses of Yoga by Ray Long
Te Reo Yoga Cards (these provide Te Reo cueing instructions and the names of postures)
YTT Policies
AWHI Yoga believes everyone has the right to practice yoga without abuse or threat of abuse.
We do not permit managers, employees, teachers, independent contractors, students, or others in the workplace to harass any other person because of age, gender (including pregnancy), race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, genetic information, or any other basis proscribed by law.
Harassment is unwelcome verbal or non-verbal conduct, based upon a person’s protected characteristic, that (i) denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward the person because of the characteristic and which affects their employment opportunities or benefits; (ii) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with their work performance; (iii) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment; or (iv) has the purpose or effect of creating a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Harassment includes epithets, slurs, name calling, negative stereotyping, insults, intimidation, ridicule, threatening, intimidating or hostile acts, denigrating jokes, and display in the workplace of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group based on their protected characteristic. Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated minor incidents may not rise to the level of harassment.
We do not tolerate sexual harassment in our studio. Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature when the conduct harms the person’s employment or working environment.
Examples of sexual harassment include unwanted and unnecessary physical contact; offensive remarks (including unwelcome comments about appearance); obscene jokes or other inappropriate use of sexually offensive language; the display in the studio of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; and unwelcome sexual advances by teachers, students, customers, clients, or other visitors to a studio. Non-physical gesture, behavior, unnecessary physical contact, verbal suggestion, or innuendo may constitute sexual harassment.
Teachers must maintain professional relationships with their students. This includes appropriate social and sexual boundaries. Teachers must create and maintain a safe environment that engenders trust and mutual respect with the students. Teachers shall not initiate or engage in any sexual conduct, sexual activities, or sexualizing behavior involving a student even if the student attempts to create a sexual relationship. All forms of sexual involvement with students are unethical and constitute sexual misconduct.
AWHI Yoga’s Grievance Policy (below) outlines how to report all instances of harassment and misconduct.
Reports of sexual misconduct must be initiated by the individual who has personally experienced sexual misconduct as defined in this Policy. If the individual is a minor at the time of the report, the individual’s parent or legal guardian can report the misconduct on their ward’s behalf.
In the interest of safety and privacy, AWHI Yoga will not initiate an investigation based upon a third-party report of violations under this Policy.
We prohibit retaliation against anyone for reporting a violation of our Code of Conduct or other policies, or for participating in an investigation relating to a violation of our Code of Conduct or other policies.
We encourage any person-including employees, non-employees, and students-who believe they have been subject to retaliation to inform a supervisor or manager.
We require 100% attendance at AWHI yoga teacher training to graduate and receive a certificate of completion from our programme. Attendance will be taken throughout the training. In the case of any emergency absences, please notify the lead facilitators immediately.
If a student has planned absences that conflict with attendance in the program, please contact the lead facilitators to discuss options. Each student is responsible for scheduling make-up time with one of the lead trainers. Students must pay an additional cost for private make-up sessions with a teacher at the rate of $80 per hour (unless negotiated otherwise).
Each student is expected to be at each session before the start time in order to set up, and so that the training may start on time.
A leave of absence from the program will be granted due to medical disability or other extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of the program director. In this case our refund policy will apply to unused tuition and the student must reapply for the next available session and pay the difference, if any, of any remaining tuition and/or any related administrative fees. If tuition is increased for the next available session, the student must pay the higher rate.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of our Code of Conduct is to help our teachers serve in their purest spirit and to protect our students and community.
Our kaupapa (mission/purpose) is based on the four pillars of Te Whare Tapa Whā. We use this model to support the wellbeing of our members and ourselves. Our commitment to a holistic approach means that while our business offerings primarily focus on tinana (the body), we place equal value on hinengaro (mind), wairua (spirit) and whānau (family/community).
We expect all AWHI staff to uphold this kaupapa in all that you do at the studio. As a member of the AWHI teaching team we expect that each class you teach speaks not only to the body (tinana), but to the heart and mind (wairua, hinengaro), as well. We do this by creating well-sequenced, challenging classes (tinana) that have a clear theme and philosophical or spiritual message (hinengaro, wairua). Additionally, we expect all teaching staff to support and foster a sense of community (whānau) by remembering members’ names, greeting them at the door, attending yoga classes and other events at AWHI, being visible and present in whatever way that’s possible for you. It is through our attention to each of these pillars that we empower and support our community - and one another - on our wellbeing journey.
Financial Practices
Teachers will be honest, straightforward, fair, and conscientious in conducting all of their business affairs. Teachers will manage their business affairs according to recognised standard business and accounting practices. Teachers will discuss all fees and financial arrangements in a straightforward professional manner. Teachers will also ensure all advertisements relating to the benefits of yoga and our studio are accurate, fair, and not misleading. Teachers will treat other employees, assistants, students, colleagues, and other wellness businesses fairly, transparently and honestly in the course of all business dealings.
Professional Growth/Continuing Education
Teachers shall commit to the continuous improvement of their professional knowledge and skills in order to maintain the integrity, competency, and high standards of the yoga profession. Professional growth includes maintaining a regular yoga, meditation and/or pranayama practice, as well as the continued pursuit of expanding your understanding of Te Reo and Te Ao Māori.
Teacher-Student Relationships
Teachers shall treat their students with respect and with regards to their individuality, dignity, and privacy.
Teachers shall commit to promoting the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their students. Teachers shall cause no harm to their students, shall commit to practicing ahimsa, and strive to alleviate the suffering of all beings.
Teachers shall create and maintain a safe, clean, comfortable, and positive environment for the practice of yoga.
The relationship between a yoga teacher and a student is based on trust. To establish and maintain that trust, the teacher must be polite, considerate, and honest with their students. Teachers should practice good communication with their students. Teachers should listen attentively to students, respect their point of view, beliefs and culture, and should not allow their beliefs and values to adversely influence their relationship with their students. Teachers should avoid imposing their beliefs on others, although they may express them when appropriate in the class.
Teachers shall uphold the highest of moral standards. Teachers shall strive to ensure that their intentions, actions, and speech are based on honesty, compassion, selflessness, trustworthiness, and transparency.
Teachers recognize that the process of learning is never complete, and they shall avoid portraying themselves as “enlightened” or “spiritually advanced.” Teachers recognize that they are walking on the spiritual path along with their fellow teachers and students. Teachers shall cultivate an attitude of humanity in their teaching and dedicate their work to something greater than themselves.
Scope of Practice
Teachers shall represent their qualifications honestly and provide only the services they are qualified and certified to perform.
Teachers shall not diagnose their student’s physical or psychological condition. Teachers shall not give medical advice. Teachers shall not prescribe a treatment or suggest rejecting a physician’s advice. Teachers shall refer their students to medical doctors or complimentary licensed professionals when appropriate.
Confidential Information
Teachers shall keep all personal information disclosed by their students strictly confidential.
Our studio will maintain the confidentiality of all private information disclosed by our teachers, students and clients. We will maintain commercially reasonable policies and procedures to protect the confidentiality of all private information disclosed by our teachers, students, and clients.
Inter-Professional Relationships
Teachers are part of the well-being community and should strive to develop and maintain relationships within the community for the benefit of their students and their own professional development. Teachers shall practice tolerance toward other teachers, schools, and traditions. Teachers shall not undermine a student’s trust in teachings they have received from other traditions, schools or teachers by criticizing such teachings without reasonable cause. If a teacher hears such criticism being made by students or colleagues, he or she must act with the utmost discretion and professionalism in voicing their view on the matter.
Advertising and Public Communications
Teachers shall not make false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements or promotional activity (including advertisements) concerning: (i) their training, experience, or competence; (ii) their academic degrees or credentials; (iii) their institutional affiliations; (iv) their classes, workshops, and teacher trainings; (v) the scientific or clinical basis for the success of their services; (vi) their fees; or (vii) statements involving sensationalism, exaggeration or superficiality; or (viii) an intent to exploit a student’s fears or emotions or to create unjustified expectations for cures or results.
Similarly, our studio will not make false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements or promotional activity (including advertisements) concerning: (i) the training, experience, or competence of our teachers; (ii) the academic degrees or credentials of our teachers; (iii) their institutional or association affiliations; (iv) their services, including classes, workshops, and teacher trainings; (v) the scientific or clinical basis for or results or degree of success of, their services; (vi) their fees; (vii) unusual or unique abilities of our teachers, including statements involving sensationalism or exaggeration; or (viii) an intent to exploit a student’s fears, anxieties or emotions, or to create unjustified claims of results.
Yoga Equity
Teachers will welcome, accept, and support all students regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, language, nationality, political, or cultural background.
Teachers will embrace yoga equity. Teachers shall seek to have an awareness and a commitment to making yoga more equitable, inclusive, accessible and diverse.
Teachers will emphasise the importance of learning, teaching, and practicing yoga honestly, which means promoting equity, reducing harm, honouring and leveraging cultural differences, and fostering diversity and inclusion in all areas of yoga while honouring the integrity of yoga’s cultural and historical roots.
Our studio will not discriminate against or refuse to provide teaching or professional help to any student, client or employee based on any protected class such as age, gender (including pregnancy), race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status or genetic information. We will not discriminate in the workplace.
We encourage anyone who has been the subject of harassment, sexual misconduct or any other action that violates our policies and Code of Conduct to report the incident to the co-owners of AWHI Yoga & Wellbeing. The report should contain the following information:
Your full name;
Your email and phone number;
The name of the person who the grievance is against;
A description of the alleged policy violation;
The date and location of the policy violation;
Names and contact information of any witnesses with first-hand knowledge of the situation;
Any other credible evidence that is available to support the grievance.
In the interest of fairness and privacy, all reports must be made by the person who has personally experienced the misconduct. We will not investigate a matter based upon a third-party report of misconduct.
All reports must be made in good faith based on information the person reporting the incident reasonably believes to be accurate.
We may request additional information from the person reporting the incident throughout the course of review of the report. We will take appropriate action to ensure compliance with our policies.
The reviewing body will impose any sanctions that it feels are fair, just, and reasonable under all circumstances. However, the reviewing body will also use sound and careful judgment in deciding what type of sanctions to impose. There are four options:
Do Nothing. The facts do not show that the person committed the policy violation.
Warning. The facts show that the person’s actions were minor and that a warning is a fair sanction. The warning could be coupled with counselling or a recommended avenue for seeking help.
Suspension. The facts show that the person’s actions were serious, and they warrant suspending the person from the studio or community for a decided amount of time. However, the actions were not so serious that they support termination of employment or membership. For example, the person may be good hearted and/or did not have malicious or harmful intentions, but made a mistake in judgment. This may weigh toward leniency. The Suspension period is usually six months but it may be shorter depending upon the circumstances. During the Suspension, the person will be advised to seek counselling, do spiritual work, contemplate their actions, etc. After the Suspension period expires, the person can approach the reviewing body to ask to re-commence their teaching activities or allow them to rejoin the community. This body will then determine whether the person has resolved their issues and that it is appropriate for them to return. When making this determination, we will consider whether there has been a sincere apology and contrition, appropriate reparation to the injured parties, rehabilitation, and heart-felt change before the person may return. This decision will be entirely at the discretion of the reviewing body.
Dismissal. The facts show that the person’s actions were serious enough to warrant dismissing the person from the studio or community. The person is dismissed, and their employment, independent contractor agreement and/or membership is terminated.
We will not allow anyone to retaliate against any person for making a report in good faith or providing information in connection with an investigation into an alleged violation. Please see our Anti-Retaliation Policy for more details.
Any information provided during a grievance report review will be treated on a confidential basis. Similarly, any actions that are taken in response to the report will also be kept confidential.
Notice of Cancellation: The program requires that any notice of cancellation or withdrawal by a student must be provided in writing (email will suffice).
Deposit: Upon acceptance into the program, the applicant must pay a deposit of $1,000 to hold the applicant’s place in the programme. Your $1,000 deposit secures your space in the programme.
If the applicant cancels thirty (30) days or more before the start of the programme, the applicant will forfeit $500 of the deposit and the remaining balance will be refunded.
There are no deposit refunds within 30 days of the start of the programme.
The program tuition fees are non-refundable. If a student must withdraw from the program for special circumstances, the program may give a partial refund to the student in the exercise of its discretion. Any funds paid to teachers for private tutoring, however, will not be refunded if those services have already been rendered at the time of withdrawal.
The program will not give any refunds or credits after the training starts. The program reserves the right to cancel any training before it begins. In that case any payments applicants have made will be refunded in full.
Questions & Enquiries
We know YTT is a huge investment, so we want to make sure you’ve got all the info you need before signing on with us. Be sure you’ve downloaded our information package, read through our YTT policies our FAQ Page! You can also call us at 04 499 5006, or email kathleen@awhiyoga.co.nz for a chat if there is anything you’re uncertain about (or maybe if you’re just looking for a sign)!
We’re always more than happy to discuss how our training fits your needs, available payment plans, and to answer any other questions or concerns you might have.
We look forward to hearing from you!