A women’s circle is an invitation to witness and be present to ourselves and to other women from an empathic stance. The intention is to connect and empower each other in our vulnerability through authentic relating via guided reflections and exercises, mindfulness and somatic-based practices.
Over four weeks, we will journey to the centre of ourselves and back out into the world, hopefully with a broadened understanding and acceptance of who we are as unique, authentic beings. Each week will be based on a different theme centred on the heart, body and mind (see below for weekly themes).
Sharing in the circle is optional. Choices are provided and honoured; group safety, respect, confidentiality and support is paramount.
Disclaimer: A circle of support is not about advice-giving, rescuing or ‘fixing’ each other – it’s about showing up as we already are and staying connected to our own individual experiences. Please note this is NOT a treatment-specific, or trauma-processing group.
Limited to 10 people - advance booking recommended!
Weekly Themes:
June 4th: Body Joy - A gentle exploration of body positivity, self-image and pleasure. We will unpack some of the harmful beauty ideals that get projected and often internalised by women, and explore body acceptance on a spectrum of possibilities.
June 11th: Boundaries - An exploration of our 'Yes,' 'No' and 'Maybe'. We will inquire around identifying and being present to our own authentic needs; our relationship to our voice - how it shows up or doesn’t show up; along with presence and self-empowerment in relationship to self and others.
June 25th: Transitions - Just in time for Matariki, we will explore bridging the past, present and future from a stance of self-compassion. We will connect with our ancestry and ecology of space and time, allowing the opportunity to envision our future
hopes and dreams.
July 2nd: Self-care - An exploration of the self-care wheel and holistic wellness looking at the different dimensions of wellbeing. We will touch on individual self-care practices; communities of care; the significance of ritual and routine; and the ability to ask for - and to receive -support.
What to Bring:
Pen and paper/journal
Wear comfortable clothing.
What’s Provided:
Herbal tea
Light kai
Mats, bolsters, blankets
You can register for individual circles, or all 4 at the following rates”
$50 per session; $175 for all 4
Circle + Yoga Package: $399 (includes all 4 sessions & unlimited yoga May14-June25th)
About the Facilitator
Andra Moldoveanu is a registered social worker with a clinical background in psychology and individual and group counselling. Andra brings over a decade of experience to mind / body healing approaches. Passionate, authentic and empathic, Andra is also a certified yoga teacher with extensive training in trauma-sensitive yoga and mindfulness facilitation.