"Live free from pain and feel restored and revitalised!"
Join Integrative Fitness Coach and Mindfulness Facilitator Pablo Steinman for a two-part practical workshop of fun and empowering techniques to release your Myofascial System and activate your Myofascial Lines. Limited spaces available, so early bookings recommended!
Part 1 (Thursday, 8th December)
Myofascial Release Workshop
Learn structured guided self-help massage techniques to release and relax your Myofascial System, increase your body-mind connection, start to map the "issues in your tissues", and how to combine these techniques to build your own strategies towards improved wellbeing and performance.
NB: This workshop requires a foam roller, which will be made available for you to take home, along with print-outs of the exercises covered. See Investment details below for more information.
Part 2 (Thursday, 15th December)
Working the Myofascial Lines Workshop
In this workshop you will be guided through strengthening exercises that will work on restoring the natural elasticity of the myofascial lines, connecting the body and the myofascial system as a whole. Moving your body as a whole will be the first step towards addressing specific imbalances in isolated parts of the body.
By releasing and reconnecting your body you will minimise restrictive movement patterns, experience fluid motion, improve your posture and performance, and your body will adapt better to physical stress, as well as allowing improved flow of nutrients to help you feel refreshed and revitalised.
Investment & Booking Details
These 90-minute workshops are intended to be taken together as a series. Prices include access to both workshops, a foam roller and handouts of the exercises covered for you to take home. Limited spaces available - book now!
*EARLY BIRD PRICING (ends 30th Nov!): $99 for both workshops and includes the foam roller needed for the workshop for FREE ($20 value) and exercise handouts to take home.
*REGULAR PRICING (after 30th Nov): $119 for both workshops and includes the foam roller and exercise handouts.
AWHI members on 3/6/12 month contracts eligible for 10% discount off early bird pricing only! Must book via email or at reception!
About the Facilitator
Pablo Steinman is movement specialist who has spent over a decade coaching high-performance athletes internationally. Pablo helps guide people to taking a more mindful approach to how they move their bodies with extraordinary results. His holistic approach to coaching and training uses mindfulness techniques to help improve mental and physical performance, empowering his clients to reach their goals through mind-body connection and awareness. Learn more at